Coach & Leadership Certification Training


Your Infinite Life Training & Coaching Company provides a leadership and coaching certification program that will produce coaches/leaders who inspire their clients/colleagues to be, to do and to have all they have ever desired.

Our Coach & Leadership Certification program trains candidates to listen actively, ask curious and powerful questions, assess with equity in mind, and be compassionately direct. The certification process produces confident coaches and leaders.

All Candidates will be required to attend the following training sessions. These sessions are the skills that will create the candidate having the competencies needed to assist the client/colleague to discover, honor and confidently express their unique life’s purpose, as well as accomplish the goals they will set for themselves in an inclusive, equitable way.


The online sessions are 2 hours in length, with a session being held almost every week. You are free to complete them at your pace, however they are all required for certification. These sessions are interactive, so your presence with video on, is required. 


Magnificence, Breakthrough, and Basic Needs

Magnificence, our signature word, so it will be important and vital for you to embrace and integrate this word into your daily life and coach others to experience theirs. Understand breakthroughs, how they come about, what they look like and sound like. Our basic needs are a key component to understand how people work in order to be loved, cared about, powerful, valuable, seen, and that they belong.  You will gain this understanding personally as well as discover how to guide your clients.

Feelings, Holding Space for Yourself & Others, and Empathy

Discover how to be present during any circumstance or situation, while seeing and believing the best in yourself and the best in the others. Learn our unique perspective about feeling feelings rather than always feeling the need to express them and how empathy can only be truly demonstrated from here.


Curiosity & Questions

Since everyone has most of the answers within, developing the ability to be curious and ask powerful questions will assist you to guide your clients to those internal answers.

The Sacredness of Grief

Grief and loss touch us all and in many forms.  Acknowledging this reality enables us to find our way into the grace that lies hidden when we ignore or move too quickly through this period of time.  You will learn this sacred concept for yourself so that you can navigate it with your clients. In an effort to become more of who we truly are, we tend to hate the parts of ourselves that we shed. Learning to grieve the parts of us that we transform and change will foster the wholeness that breeds confidence.


Listening Skills

The best coaches are the best because they have mastered the skill of listening beyond techniques and tools.

Magnificence Assessment Method

Discover how to assess the magnificence of a person even if they are not behaving that way. This method will offer a new way of thinking.


Open and Closed Communication

This method is a core concept for all of our trainings. You will learn to guide yourself and your clients to creating the space necessary to know when they are closed and shift to an open way of communicating.

Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual Self Reliance (2 sessions)

This session delves into the concept of self-reliance at an advanced level - emotionally (how feelings affect), mentally (how thoughts affect), and spiritually (how beliefs affect) the ability to make decisions or take action independent of fears, past experiences, and limitations.


The Systems of Oppression and How They Show Up in a Coaching Relationship

Walk away with a clear understanding of the harm we can do when we coach or teach without a lens tuned into inherent systems of oppression, and a renewed and/or deepened commitment to stepping into the responsibility of creating a new way of operating and coaching from this lens.

To experience an expansion of what’s possible and a desire to undo the systems that harm by understanding those systems in more detail and complexity.

Productive Conflict (3 sessions)

We are always influencing, so beyond the obvious, our influence is like a pebble tossed in the water. The consequences of our actions radiate outward like the ripples in the water, creating an impact. There is power and responsibility in our ability to influence. Conflict is inevitable as a leader and person engaged in the world. Rather than focus on resolution, discover all the ways to be productive in conflict.


Moving Beyond Limiting Beliefs (2 sessions)

Another one of our core and key components. This method consists of a total of 3 sessions so that you can develop the ability and confidence to move yourself and others through the limiting beliefs and concepts they or you have about self, life, others.

Coach Certification and Wrap Up  (2 sessions)

These two sessions are devoted to pulling everything together so that you can be a confident, effective, compassionate and powerful coach.


OTHER DETAILS - feel free to reach out to Pam Dunn to discuss at

  • All Coach Candidates are encouraged to be a student in the Discover Magnificence course.

  • All Coach Candidates will receive a total of eight (8) one-on-one scheduled coaching sessions during your training.

  • You will receive ongoing, regular communication about enhancements, changes, additional learning, as well as discovering everything inside of the business as we are transparent.

  • Supportive coaching is available anytime during your training and after certification.

  • Access to in-person Advanced Personal Development Sessions are available as long as you remain certified. Access to online training sessions are available when space is available.

  • You will receive full access to the Learning Journey Membership Program as a means to continued and consistent learning and development.

$6,895 -
includes all course materials, as well as stated above.

Monthly payments are welcome over a 12 month or shorter period of time.